Layout Directory




The layout directory contains one or more components which act as a layout or are parts of a layout such as a Header, Nav, Footer, etc. and have a:


in the html for other components to embed within. By convention the app.component.html in the app module acts as the top level layout for the entire application. From this top level you may embed other layouts which in turn embed other components.

There are two schools of thought on layouts. The first is to put all your layouts for all your modules into the app module’s layout directory. This consolidates all layouts in a single location.

The second school of thought is to put a layout directory into each custom module which has its own layout[s]. This approach groups the layout for components of the module into the module in which the components reside. This may apply to the app module if you wish to create a layout[s] which most appropriatly fits there.

Components like Nav and Footer are handled the Angular way by importing them into a component template:



Each module can have its own routing and is often defined in a file separate from the custom.module.ts file. See the app module’s app-routing.module.ts as an example.

Within routing layouts are handled in a rather clever way. By using child routes a top level route can define a layout to be used for all child routes. Defined in the app module’s app-routing.module.ts file child routes are grouped in a single Route (as defined in @angular/router).

It is important to note that when layouts are imported from other modules (for this example the CustomModule) that does not cause the top-level app module to load the CustomModule from the server into the user’s browser at the time only app level routes are displayed. This is important for performance! The CustomModule compiled .js file will only load when a route internal to the module is requested. That is, from the below configuration, only when a route beginning with /custom is requested.

use { CustomLayoutComponent } from './modules/custom/layout/custom-layout.component';

  path: 'custom',
  component: CustomLayoutComponent,
  loadChildren: () =>
    import('./modules/custom/custom.module').then(m => m.CustomModule)

When a route is called at /custom the CustomLayoutComponent is used as a layout and handling of the routing is handed off to the CustomModule. The CustomLayoutComponent has a <router-outlet></router-outlet>:

<div [class]="theme">
  <div class="mat-app-background">

    <div class="container">

    <app-footer (changeTheme)="onThemeChange($event)"></app-footer>

This <router-outlet></router-outlet> is used to display a route and component defined in the routing of the CustomRoutingModule:

So the routes are /custom and /custom/projects/:id and they use the CustomLayoutComponent for their layout.


mkdir src/app/layout
ng generate component layout/AppCustomLayout
ng generate component layout/Header
ng generate component layout/Footer

This is documentation for angular-folder-structure. If you find this useful please add your ★ star to the project.